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Information 安全 at 俄亥俄州

Information 安全 at 俄亥俄州


Information 安全 at 俄亥俄州

The newbb电子平台 Information 安全 Office strives to educate and empower the University community to appropriately manage risks and protect 俄亥俄州’s information and systems. This effort is facilitated through policies, 标准, an information security risk management program, as well as other tools and guidance that are provided to the University community. This modern approach creates a safe computing environment in which the university community can teach, 学习, and conduct research.



There have been reports across the nation of potential cyber-attacks against the United States stemming from the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. We are asking the University community to remain vigilant, and take the following steps to reduce the likelihood that you will fall victim to cybersecurity attacks. For more information, please visit Heightened security vigilance.



    安全 for students is an important part of academic success. Learn how to encrypt documents, spot malicious emails, and protect your 俄亥俄州 presence.



    教师 & 人力资源

    As a faculty or staff member at newbb电子平台, protecting our institutions' data is top priority. Learn about how to keep our university's digital presence safe.



    Researcher 资源

    Data security for research is important to meet contractual and regulatory requirements as well as to protect intellectual property.


保护你的资料. Don't become a statistic.

of account hacks could have been blocked by multi-factor authentication.
of people admit to reusing passwords.
of Android users are using the latest (and safest) operating system.

联系 the Information 安全 Office