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Assistance Animals

合理的住宿 & 大学宿舍援助动物

newbb电子平台致力于为其规则提供合理的便利, policies, practices, or services when such accommodations may be necessary to afford people with disabilities an equal opportunity to use and enjoy their dwellings, as required by federal, state and local law. 合理的迁就可能包括由于残疾人的残疾而需要对规则或政策进行更改或例外, 或者它可能是一个单位或公共区域的物理变化.

newbb电子平台接受残疾人士和代表他们的人提出的合理住宿要求. 学生可以通过无障碍服务办公室申请住宿表格. 如果你需要协助填写表格, 请联系奥尔登图书馆无障碍服务办公室230. Employees seeking an accommodation in university-owned housing for themselves or an individual living with the employee should contact Office of University Accessibility.

我们会对你的要求迅速作出决定. 如果我们需要额外的信息,我们会通知你所需的信息. It is Ohio University’s policy to seek only the information necessary to verify whether you are a person with a disability and/or to evaluate if the reasonable accommodation is necessary to provide you an equal opportunity to use and enjoy Ohio University housing. 如果我们同意您的请求,您将收到一封通知您的电子邮件.

在特定情况下,newbb电子平台可以拒绝申请住宿. If we believe that the requested accommodation poses an undue financial and administrative burden or a fundamental alteration to the nature of Ohio University’s operations, we will schedule a meeting at a mutually convenient time to discuss possible alternative accommodations that would not impose such a burden or result in a fundamental alteration. 如未能就另一居所达成协议, we will send you a letter providing Ohio University’s decision on your requested accommodation and a detailed explanation of our reasons for a denial or decision to grant an alternative accommodation.

Assistance Animals

newbb电子平台政策.第120条禁止个人在任何类型的大学宿舍内饲养除鱼以外的动物, 除非有例外情况. 辅助动物提供帮助,以减轻一种或多种已确定的残疾症状或影响. Ohio University recognizes the importance of allowing assistance animals necessary to provide individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to use and enjoy university housing.

辅助动物不一定需要训练,也不限于任何特定类型的动物. An assistance animal is restricted to the owner’s privately assigned individual living accommodations and may not accompany the resident to other areas of the university without permission except to the extent the individual is taking the animal out for natural relief.


Service animals are dogs or miniature horses that are individually trained to perform specific tasks or do work for a person with a disability. 而服务性动物则被允许在公共设施中陪伴残疾人, individuals seeking to reside with their service animal in university housing are asked to work with Accessibility Services or ECRC, as applicable, 确保动物健康状况良好,并安排适当的安置.


希望申请辅助动物的学生应跟随 无障碍服务要求住宿的一般程序.

An employee seeking an assistance animal as an accommodation in university housing for themselves or an individual living with the employee should contact Office of University Accessibility.

No assistance animal may be kept in Ohio University-owned housing at any time prior to the individual receiving approval as a reasonable accommodation pursuant to this Policy.

Ohio University, 在与居民协商后, and other parties, as appropriate, may consider the criteria below in determining whether the presence of the animal is reasonable in the making of housing assignments for individuals with assistance animals:

  • 该动物是否对该个人或他人构成或过去曾构成直接威胁;
  • 动物是否造成或者已经造成超出合理损耗的房屋过度损坏;
  • 动物的体型是否太大,以致无法容纳;
  • 动物的出现是否会迫使另一个个体离开自己的住所(例如.g. serious allergies);
  • Whether the animal's presence otherwise violates individuals' right to peace and quiet enjoyment; and
  • 该动物是否不守家规或无法与他人合理生活.

The individual must provide written consent for Accessibility Services to disclose information regarding the request for and presence of the assistance animal to those individuals who may be impacted by the presence of the animal including, but not limited to, 住房和居住生活, Facilities Management, 应急响应人员和潜在的和/或实际的室友/邻居. Such information shall be limited to information related to the animal and shall not include information related to the individual’s disability. Ohio University reserves the right to assign an individual with an assistance animal to a single room without a roommate upon availability.

批准一种辅助动物在学年期间是有益的. 如果学生或员工要返回校园住一学年, 个人必须按照适用的流程寻求批准的续期, i.e. 无障碍服务或大学无障碍办公室.

Owner’s Responsibilities

在大学宿舍中提供辅助动物住宿的业主应遵守以下规定, 此外,任何其他大学的规章制度,没有特别涉及援助动物. The owner must:

  • Keep the Animal in the Housing Unit: An assistance animal must be contained within the owner’s privately assigned individual living accommodations except to the extent the individual is taking the animal out for natural relief. 当援助动物被运送到私人个人生活场所外时, 它必须在一个动物载体或由皮带或挽具控制. 辅助动物不允许进入任何大学设施,除了分配给居民的大学宿舍.
  • Keep the Animal under Control: The assistance animal must be properly housed and restrained or otherwise under the dominion and control of the owner. 任何主人不得允许动物自由奔跑. 如果发现动物乱跑, 该动物将被捕获并监禁,并立即从大学宿舍搬走.
  • 遵守法律和政策:业主必须遵守当前城市, county, and state ordinances, laws, 和/或有关许可的规定, vaccination, 以及对动物的其他要求. 业主有责任了解和理解这些条例、法律和规章. 大学有权要求学生提供遵守这些条例的文件, laws, and/or regulations, 其中可能包括疫苗接种证书. 大学保留要求证明动物已获得许可的文件的权利. Additionally, 业主必须遵守所有同等适用的住宅政策, such as assuring that the animal does not unduly interfere with the routine activities of the residence or cause difficulties for individuals who reside there.
  • 确保动物得到良好的照顾:主人必须确保动物一直得到照顾. 任何虐待的证据, abuse, neglect, or leaving the assistance animal unattended for unreasonably long periods of time may result in immediate removal of the assistance animal and/or discipline for the responsible individual pursuant to the University Student Code of Conduct, 和/或住房和居住生活部学生手册. 大学不会将此决定建立在对动物可能造成的伤害或损害的猜测或恐惧之上. 大学工作人员不得被要求为任何辅助动物提供照顾或食物,包括, but not limited to, 在火灾警报等紧急疏散时将动物移走. 急救人员将决定是否将动物移走,并且可能不负责护理, damage to, or loss of the animal. Additionally, 援助动物不得留在大学宿舍过夜,由主人以外的任何人照顾. 如果业主离开他/她的大学宿舍过夜或更长时间, 动物必须陪伴主人. 主人有责任确保援助动物被控制住, as appropriate, 当所有者在白天上课时不在场时, work, or other activities.
  • 对人身伤害和财产损失负责, 包括大学财产:所有人对所有人身或财产的伤害或损坏负有经济责任, including other animals, 由辅助动物引起的. 主人必须以安全和卫生的方式清理和妥善处置动物的粪便, when provided, 必须使用大学指定的动物救助区吗. An individual with a disability may be charged for any damage caused by his or her assistance animal beyond reasonable wear and tear to the same extent that it charges other individuals for damages beyond reasonable wear and tear. 主人的住所也可能被检查是否有跳蚤, 蜱虫或其他害虫(如有必要), 作为大学标准或例行检查的一部分. If fleas, ticks, 或经检查发现其他有害生物, 业主将被要求支付任何超出标准虫害管理的有害生物处理费用. 根据本条款,大学有权向业主的账户开出未履行义务的账单.
  • Notify Accessibility Services or ECRC if Assistance Animal is No Longer Needed: The animal is allowed in university housing only as long as it is necessary because of the owner’s disability. The owner must notify Accessibility Services or ECRC, as applicable, 如果援助动物不再需要或不再居住,请以书面形式填写. 代替辅助动物, the new animal must be necessary because of the Owner’s disability and the Owner must follow the procedures in this Policy when requesting a different animal.



  • 该动物对他人的健康或安全构成直接威胁,或对他人的财产造成重大财产损失, 包括大学财产;
  • 动物的出现导致大学课程的根本改变;
  • The owner does not comply with the Owner’s Responsibilities set forth above; or
  • 该动物或其存在对大学社区造成无法控制的干扰或干扰.

Accessibility Services or The Office of University Accessibility will base such individualized determinations upon the consideration of the behavior of the animal and resident on a case-by-case basis, 并与住房和居住部协商, the resident, 以及其他适当的政党. 大学不会将此决定建立在对动物可能造成的伤害或损害的猜测或恐惧之上. 任何被移走的动物,可以依照申诉程序通过, as applicable, 学生无障碍手册或ADA/504协调员中概述的对学生资格提出上诉的程序. 业主将享有这些程序中概述的所有正当程序和上诉权利.

应否以任何理由将辅助动物移离处所, 业主应该在剩余的房屋合同中履行他/她的住房义务.